Tuesday, February 4, 2020

AWS Load Balancer

Before jumping into AWS Elastic Load balancer, first we need to understand, what is the Need of Load balancer in IT World.

    1. Load balancer

Lets start with a problem statement to understand the Load balancer.

Problem Statement

I have website, which is hosts only one webserver, when heavy incoming application traffic comes, the webserver cannot handle this traffic.


To overcome this problem, we need some mechanism, in which we have a website hosted on more than one servers and distribute the high heavy incoming application traffic between servers to reduce the load on single server.

To implement this mechanism Load balancer comes into the picture.

Load Balancer can be “Internet facing” or Internal one. If Load balancer has public resolvable DNS name, then it is called “Internet Facing” Load Balancer otherwise it is called “Internal” Load Balancer.

Below are some benefits to implement the Load balancer.
a.       Optimize resource use.
b.      Maximize throughput.
c.       Minimize response time
d.      Avoid overload of any single webserver
e.       Help to create Fault tolerance and High availability application


     2. AWS Elastic Load Balancer

AWS Elastic Load balancer is AWS managed Load balancer service, which distributes the web traffic to available web servers. AWS provided three types of Load balancers. e.g. Classic Load Balancer, Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer.

It is regional Service and comes under EC2 service section in AWS Console.

2.A. Classic Load Balancer (CLB)

1.       AWS refers this Load balancer type as the “Previous generation” and I think it will be phased out soon.

2.       It supports HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SSL/TLS Protocol for communication.

3.       CLB works on L4(Transport) and L7 (Application) layer of the OSI model.

4.       It supports all ports 1 to 65535.

5.       Its supports IPV4 address in a VPC.

6.       It does not support HTTP/2 and WebSocket.

7.       CLB name is unique in AWS account in a region.

8.       You can create maximum 20 Classic Load balancer per region.

9.        Classic Load Balancer Listeners (CLB Listeners)

a.  Listeners is the process which checks the connection request base on protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SSL/TLS) and port. You need to provide the listeners configuration while creating the Elastic Load Balancer.

Actually, when you create the CLB, it automatically creates the Nodes. Nodes have ENI and IP address. Nodes Pick IP address from Subnet which is assigned to CLB. These Nodes are also known as CLB nodes.

b.      CLB have two types of Listeners.

Front-End Listeners

1.     It receives traffic from the Client and send it to Back-End Listeners, based on protocol and port.

2.    It receives response from Back-End Listeners and send it to the Client.

Back-End Listeners

1.    It receives traffic from Front-End Listeners and send it to Webserver, based on protocol and port.

2.    It receives response from Webserver and send it to Front-End Listeners.

c.       Below is the configuration property of CLB Listeners in AWS.

1.       Load Balancer Protocol

This is the protocol information for Front-End Listeners.

2.       Load Balancer Port

This is the port information for Front-End Listeners.

3.       Instance Protocol

This is the protocol information for Back-End Listeners.

4.       Instance ports

This is the port information for Back-End Listeners.

10.   To distribute the traffic from CLB to EC2 instances, we need to register these EC2 Instances with CLB. These Instances are called Register Instances. As Classic Load balancer(CLB) is Regional Service, So ELB and EC2 Instances should be in the same  VPC.

11.   You can register maximum 1000 Instances from a load balancer.

12.   CLB transfers the traffic only to primary/Default ENI (Eth0) to registered EC2 Instances.

13.   If Eth0 have multiple IP, then Load Balancer can transfer the traffic to primary IP only.

14.   To Create the CLB, we have to provide the Subnets. This Subnets is used to create the Load Balancer Nodes and assign one IP address from assigned Subnet.

a.       You can assign multiple subnet to Load balancer, but you can assign only one subnet in an Availability Zone at a given time. If you try to assign multiple Subnets to Load Balancer from an Availability Zone, it overwrites the previous one.

b.      AWS recommends that Subnet Size should be greater than or equal /27 size and at least 8 available IP for Load Balancer Nodes.

c.       If you register EC2 Instances from any Availability Zone, but forget to add Subnet from that Availability Zone for Load balancer node, then These Availability Zone Instances will not receive the traffic.

15.   For Fault tolerance, you should distribute your EC2 Instance in multiple availability Zones.

16.   Heath Check

a.       CLB also checks the status of registered EC2 Instance and marks them “Healthy” and “Un-Healthy”.

b.      Healthy Instance shows as In-Service under CLB.

c.       Un-Healthy Instance shows as Out-of-Service under CLB.

d.      CLB does not route the traffic to un-healthy Instances.

e.       When you create CLB from AWS Console, By Default it uses ping, HTTP on port 80 for health-check of registered EC2 Instances. You can change it.

f.        When you create CLB from AWS API, it uses ping, TCP on port 80 for health-check of registered EC2 Instances. You can change it.

g.       Default Response timeout (Idle Timeout) is 5 Second, means Load balancer waits for 5 seconds for a health check response, if not received response in this time frame then it treats this Health-check as failed. you can change this value from 2 to 60 seconds.

h.      Un-Healthy Threshold

Number of consecutive Failed “health-check” is Un-Healthy Threshold. The Default value of   Un-Healthy Threshold is 2 But you can change this value from 2 to 10.

i.        Health Check Interval

 This is the time period between two consecutive health check. Default value is 30 seconds and you can change this value from 5 to 300 seconds.

j.        Healthy Threshold

Once Instance is marked as Out-Of-Service then number of consecutive successful health check is Healthy Threshold. The Default value of   Healthy Threshold is 10 But you can change this value from 2 to 10.

17.   For Internet facing CLB, assigned subnet to Load Balancer should be in Public Subnet otherwise LB will not work.

Below is the DNS format for Internet facing Load balancer.

Format: LBName-1234567890.RegionName.elb.amazonaws.com

Example: myinternetfacingelb.1234567890.eu-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com

18.   For Internal CLB, assigned subnet to Load Balancer should be in private Subnet.

Below is the DNS format for Internal Load balancer.

Format: Internal-LBName-123456789.RegionName.elb.amazonaws.com


19.   You can add TAGs in Load Balancer.

20.   Auto Scaling Group with CLB

You can associate the Classic load balancer with the Auto Scaling group. Classic Load balancer and Auto Scaling works in harmony.

21.   Cross Zone Load balancing

a.   When we register EC2 Instances from different availability Zones, Load Balancer distributes the traffic evenly between these availability Zones. It does not consider, how many EC2 Instances are registered in each availability Zones.

Example: Like if we have registered 6 Instances. Out of six, four are from availability Zone1 and two are from availability Zone-2. CLB distributes the traffic 50% to Fours Instances in Availability Zone-1 and 50% to two Instances in Availability Zone -2.

b.  If you want to distribute the traffic evenly between all registered EC2 instances, then you should enable the “Cross-Zone Load Balancing” property.

c.       While creating CLB from AWS Console, the option to enable cross-zone load balancing is selected by default and can change it.

d.      If you are creating CLB from API/SDK, Cross Zone Load Balancing property is Disabled by default and can change it.

e.       AWS does not charge for regional data transfer between Availability Zones when you enable cross-zone load balancing in CLB.

22.   Connection Draining

a.   When CLB identifies an un-healthy instance, it waits for a specific time period to complete the in-flight session before marking this un-healthy. This period is called the Connection Draining time period. CLB does not send any new traffic for this Instance.

b.      During Connection Draining time period, EC2 instance’s state will be “In-Service” only.

c.      After a “Connection Draining” time period, CLB terminates the session and markes Instance as un-healthy.

k.     While creating CLB from AWS Console, the option to enable Connection draining is selected by default with 300 second’s period. You can uncheck it and also change the time period.

l.     If you are creating CLB from API/SDK, Connection draining property is Disabled by default and but you can change it later.

23.   Security Group

a.       You can assign the Security Group on CLB. With help of this, you can control the Traffic from Client to Front-end Listener. Also helps to control traffic from Back-end listener to EC2 Instances.

b.      You can assign maximum 5 Security groups.

c.       At least one security group is required to create the CLB.

24.   Classic Load Balancer Access Log

a.       If you want to capture the request information which is sent to your Classic Load Balancer, then “Access Log” is your answer.

b.      Access log is disabled by default. Access Log contains below information which can be used further for analyze purpose.

1.       Request Time
2.       Client IP Address
3.       Latencies
4.       Request Path
5.       Response

c.       You can store the access log on S3.

d.      AWS does not extra charge for enabling the access log.

25.   HTTPS Traffic

a.   To use HTTPS communication over the CLB, you have to enable X.509 SSL/TLS Certificate on the load balancer. TLS is the updated version of SSL.

b.      CLB supports TLS/SSL.

c.    CLB received HTTPS traffic from the Client and terminate the HTTPS connection at Load balancer end (Listener end) and decrypt the message. This is called SSL termination or SSL offloading.

After SSL Termination, you can send the unencrypted traffic to EC2 Instance via HTTP protocol. If you want to send encrypted message to EC2 Instance as well then, in this case CLB again encrypt the message and send it to EC2 Instance via HTTPS protocol.

26.   Cloud Watch

a.      CLB publishes the data to CloudWatch for itself and register instances with it.

b.     CLB sends Load Balancer metrics data at every one minute of interval. 

c.       Cloud Watch can use these metrics data to send Notification via SNS service.

27.   You can enable CloudTrail Log for your Classic Load Balancer.

28.   When Traffic Increases, Classic Load Balancer increase the ELB nodes automatically according to the associated Subnet but it can take 1 minutes to 7 minutes to scale.

29.   CLB cannot queue the requests, If It receives request more than its capacity request, then request gets failed and Load balancer return HTTP 505 Error.

30.   Sticky Session

a.       By Default, CLB send each request to register in-service EC2 instance which has least load.

b.      If you want to bind the user session with specific EC2 instance, then CLB Sticky Session feature is your answer.

c.       Sticky Session works with HTTP and HTTPS work load only.

d.      You cannot find this property while creating the CLB, you have to Edit the Load balancer to enable this features.

e.       Sticky session feature use cookies. CLB use two type of cookies.

1.       Application Cookies.

2.       Load Balancer duration based cookies.

31.   CLB does not support “Delete Protection” feature, which can lead deletion of  Load Balancer accidently.

32.   CLB Supports SSL Offloading.

      2.B.     Application Load Balancer (ALB)

AWS created separate Load Balancer for L7 Layer (HTTP and HTTPS) with additional features in 2016. Amazon refers this as Application Load balancer.

Some properties are same as Classic Load Balancer(CLB) but we will discuss all the properties and features again with respect to Application Load balancer(ALB) to avoid the confusion.

1.       ALB supports content based Routing (Path/Domain based), Means you can forward the request to Webserver, based on request URL and request HTTP header properties. We will discuss this in detail later in this Blog.

2.    ALB supports containerized applications.

3.       It supports HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2 and WebSocket.

4.       WebSocket supports full duplex Communication and it is enabled by Default. It can be used with HTTP and HTTPS Listeners.

5.       HTTP/2 is used to send multiple request at the same time.

6.       Like CLB, Application Load balancer(ALB) support TLS/SSL.

7.       Target

It is a Webserver, where you have hosted your web application on HTTP/HTTPS. You can use below endpoints as Targets.

a.       EC2 Instances

1.       Same VPC EC2 Instances.

2.       Traffic is forwarded to EC2 Instances through primary NIC (Eth0) and primary IP only.

b.      IP Address

1.       You can use any IP from VPC.

2.       You can use IP from Peering VPC.

3.       You can use IP from on-Prem server, which is integrated with AWS from direct connect or AWS VPN.

4.       Any AWS resource which can be accessed by IP address and port.

5.       You can specify any private IP address of any NIC attached to the Server.

c.       Lambda Function.

d.      Application on ECS Instance.

8.       Target Group

a.       It is Logical grouping of Targets.

b.      It is regional entity, so you can group only those targets, which exist in same region as Target group.

c.       You can add one Target group with one Load balancer at a given time.

d.      You can add up to 200 targets in a target group.

e.       Target group is independent from load balancer, means if you delete the Load Balancer, Target group is not deleted automatically.

f.        One Target can map with multiple Target Groups.

g.       You need to specify Port and protocol for each target group.

h.      One Target also maps multiple time with the same Target group, but port and protocol should be different, while registering it again with the same Target group.

i.        Target group and ALB are independent, if you delete the ALB then target group is not deleted automatically, you have to delete it separately.

j.        Health Check

1.       Health check is done at the Target Group level.

2.       Healthy Instance show as Healthy under Target Group.

3.       Un-Healthy Instance show as Un-Healthy under Target Group.

4.       Target Group does not route the traffic to un-healthy Target.

5.       By Default, it uses “ping HTTP” on port 80 for health check of Target in Target group. You can change it.

6.       Default response timeout (Idle Timeout) is 5 Seconds, means Target Group waits 5 seconds for a health check response, if not received response in this time frame then treats this Health check as failed. you can change this value from 2 to 60 seconds.

7.       Un-Healthy Threshold

 Number of consecutive Failed “health check” is Un-Healthy Threshold. The default value of   Un-Healthy Threshold is 2 seconds, but you can change this value from 2 to 10 seconds.

8.       Health Check Interval

  This is the time period between two consecutive health check. The default value is 30 seconds and you can change this value from 5 to 300 seconds.

9.       Healthy Threshold

Once Instance marked as Out-Of-Service then number of consecutive successful health check is Healthy Threshold.

The default value of   Healthy Threshold is 5 seconds, but you can change this value from 2 to 10 seconds.

k.       Below is the limit of Targets in Target group.

1.       You can add maximum 1000 IP address or Instances.

2.       You can add 1 Lambda function.

l.        You can also attach Auto Scaling group with Target Groups to create EC2 Instances automatically as per Load.

9.       ALB   Listeners

a.    Unlike CLB, we don’t have listener types, like Front-End and Back-End. There is only one listener which checks the request and forward it to one or more target group based on rules. Target Groups forwards the request to registered target based round robin routing algorithm.

b.      ALB listener supports below protocol.

1.       HTTP

2.       HTTPS

c.       Supports all ports from 1 to 65535.

d.      You can create up to 50 Listeners per ALB.

10.   ALB   Listeners Rule

a.     You need to define the Listener rule to select the appropriate Target group, By Default, “Default Rule” is created which send the request to Default Target Group, while creating the ALB. So at the time of creation of ALB, AWS allows to create the Default Rule only.

b.   If you want to create more rules then, you need to Edit the ALB and add/update the Listener rules.

c.     Every Rule has a priority and You can change the priority of any rule any time, except the Default Rule

d.       Default rule executes at Last.

f.  ALB supports redirecting/Forward requests from one URL to another via Listeners Rules.

11.   Security Group

a.       Like CLB, you can apply security group on the ALB.

b.       You can assign maximum 5 Security groups.

c.       At least one security group is required.

12.   You can add TAGs in Load Balancer.

13.   Cross Zone Load balancing

Cross Zone Load balancing is by default enabled and you cannot disable it.

14.   Connection Draining

a.       Overall concept of Connection Draining concept is similar to CLB.

b.      Unlike CLB, you cannot find “Connection Draining” option while creating ALB. So This property is disabled by default. To enable this property first, you have to create the ALB, then Edit Load balancer and you will find “Connection Draining” property under description TAB.

15.   Sticky Session

a.   Concept is same like CLB to distribute the traffic of same user traffic to same Target.

1.       It supports Load balancer cookies only. Application level cookies are not supported by ALB. It is enabled by default.

2.       Name of property is “Load Balancer duration” based on cookies

3.       Load balancer Creates Cookies with Name is AWSALB.

16.   Cloud Watch

It is same as CLB, but Health Check is done at Target Group Level and its more enhanced then Classic Load Balancer.

17.   Routing

a.   Apart from Port and Protocol of request, you can also use other request parameter to decide the Target groups. AWS calls this Content based routing.

b.      Application Load balancer supports two types of Content Based Routing.

1.       Host Based /Domain Based Routing

Based on Domain URL like “xyz.com” of request and port(optional), you can decide the Target group to serve this request.


a.       If Domain URL is “xyz.com1” then it will go Target Group-1 and if Domain URL is “xyz.com2” then it will go Target Group-2.

b.      If Domain URL is “xyz.com” with Port -80 then it will go Target Group-1 and if Domain URL is “xyz.com” with port -443 then it will go Target Group-2.

2.       Path Based Routing

The Load balancer can select the Target group with help of path element of URL the request.

Example: Means if Request URL have “Images” in path it will go “Target Group-1”.

c.       You can use a combination of Host based routing and Path Based routing to decide the Target Groups.

d.      If Any rule is not matched, then the request will sent to Default Target group.

e.       You can use Below request field in Routing.

1.       Standard HTTP Header

2.       Custom HTTP header

3.       Method Name

4.       Query parameters

5.       Source IP Address

6.       Host Name (Used in Host based Routing)

18.   Application Load Balancer supports “Delete Protection” feature, which prevents deletion of   Load Balancer accidently. It is disabled by default.

19.   Application Load Balancer Access Log

1.    This feature is same as CLB, but provide more information in Access log in comparison to CLB and the access log stored in compressed format.

2.  When ALB receives the request, it Adds/updates the x-Amzn-Trace-ID header and can be logged in the access log. With the help of this you can track the request from Client to Target and other services.

20.   ALB can integrate with WAF (Web Application Firewall) to allow and Block request based on rules (Web ACL).

21.   Internet Facing Application Load balancer supports both IPV4 and IPV6 address in selected Subnet.

22.   Internal Application load balancer supports IPV4 address only.

23.   ALB Supports SSL Offloading.

24.   ALB supports Server Name Indication (SNI). SNI is the component of SSL, which allows us  to host multiple website on one IP address and each website have its own SSL/TLS certificate. Without SNI, Each Hostname is required, separate IP address in order for an SSL certificate to be installed.

25.   ALB can integrate with Amazon Cognito service for user authentication.  


     2.C.     Network Load Balancer(NLB)

 AWS created separate Load Balancer for L4 Layer (TCP, UDP and TLS) with additional features in 2017. Amazon refers this as Network Load balancer.

1.       NLB Supports TCP, TLS and UDP protocol. 

2.       NLB Supports SSL/TLS Certificate.

3.       NLB provides low latency as compared to other AWS Load Balancer. It has higher connection rate compared to other Load Balancer and Can handle millions of requests per seconds.

4.       Target

You can use below endpoints as Targets.

a.       EC2 Instances

1.       Same VPC EC2 Instances.

2.   Traffic forwards to EC2 Instances through primary NIC (Eth0) and primary IP only.

b.      IP Address

1.       You can use any IP from VPC.

2.       You can use IP from Peering VPC

3.       You can use IP from on-Prem server, which is integrated with AWS from direct connect or AWS VPN but Should Follow CIDR range RFC1918 and RFC6596.

4.       You can specify any private IP address of any NIC attached to the Server.

5.       Target Group

a.    Same Concept which we have discussed in ALB. It is Logical grouping of Targets.

b.   You can attach Auto Scaling group with Target Groups to create EC2 Instances automatically as per Load.

6.       Health Check

a.       Health check is done at the Target Group level.

b.      By Default, it uses “ping TCP” on port 80 for health check of Target in Target group. You can change it.

c.       Default response timeout (Idle Timeout) is 10 Second.

d.      Default value of   Un-Healthy Threshold is 3 seconds.

e.       Health Check Interval

 It can be either 30 Seconds or 10 Seconds, Default is 30 seconds.

f.        Healthy Threshold

 Default value of Healthy Threshold is 3 But you can change this value from 2 to 10.

7.       NLB   Listeners

a.       Concept is same as ALB. There is only one listener which checks the request and forwards to one or more target group based on rules.

b.      NLB listeners support below protocol.

1.       TCP

2.       TLS

3.       UDP

4.   TCP_UDP: It is used when, if you want TCP and UDP protocol communication on the same port, but Target group for a TCP_UDP listener must use TCP_UDP protocol.

c.       Supports all ports from 1 to 65535.

d.      You can create up to 50 Listeners per load balancer.

e.       NLB Listener supports Elastic IP as well.

f.        You can use WebSocket with Listeners.

g.       If Listener supports TLS, then you must deploy exactly one SSL/TLS server certificate per Listener.

8.       NLB Listeners Rule

Same concept as Application Load Balancer.

9.       Security Group

a.       You cannot apply Security group on NLB, means you cannot filter the data at Load balancer level, it should be filtered by EC2 or Subnet level.

10.   You can add TAGs in Load Balancer.

11.   Cross Zone Load balancing

 Cross Zone Load balancing is Disabled by default and you can enable it.

12.   Connection Draining

a.  It is same as ALB. You can find this under Target group name as “Deregistration Delay”.

13.   Sticky Session

b.      Sticky Session property is not applicable for NLB.

14.   Cloud Watch

a.       Same concept as ALB.

15.   Routing

Network Load Balancer does not support Routing (Path, Content etc.) like ALB.

16.   Network Load Balancer supports “Delete Protection” feature, which prevents deletion of Load Balancer accidently. It is Disabled by default.

17.   Network Load Balancer Access Log.

18.   NLB support AWS PrivateLink for communication.

19.   NLB Supports SSL Offloading.

20.   NLB supports Server Name Indication (SNI).

.      2.D.  Features Comparison (CLB VS ALB VS NLB) 

Layer Support
L4 and L7
IPV4 Support
IPV6 Support
EC2 Level
Target Group Level
Target Group Level
Auto Scaling Group
Cross Zone Load Balancing
Connection Draining
Security Group Support
Access Log
CloudWatch Integration
Sticky Session
Delete Protection
VPC PrivateLink support
Content Based Routing
URL Re-direction
Lambda Function as Target
SSL Off-loading
SNI Support
WAF Integration
Back-end Server Encryption
User Authentication
Back-end server authentication


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